Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taking the Plunge

I finally succumbed to it - the pull of electronic journaling. I've been thinking about it for a couple months now. Do I really want to put my life out there for random people to read & dissect? Do I want to open my life up to anonymous, voyeuristic wanderings of others? Apparently I do.

I will come here daily to write out my thoughts, essays, poems, issues, meanderings and other musings regarding weight loss and my transforming journey. Turning 36 years old has given me a new outlook on life. I am finally going to be open and honest about my weight issues. We all have them - I'm gonna throw the door off the closet and talk about them! Along the way, I hope to meet others on similar journeys and include them here. 

So, here we go...welcome to my life. 

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